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龙岩学院2022-2023学年外国留学生招生简章Enrollment Guide for International Students(Academic Year 2022-2023)
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:30    点击次数:77
概  况 Introduction 龙岩学院是经中华人民共和国教育部批准设立的全日制多科性本科院校。学校创办于1958年,前身为龙岩师范高等专科学校;2001年,原福建资源工业学校并入龙岩师专,2004年5月,正式升格更名为龙岩学院。学校是福建省示范性应用型本科高校、福建省硕士学位授予培育单位立项建设高校、福建省文明校园。 Longyan University is one of China’s prominent public full-time multidisciplinary universities. Founded in 1958, it was formerly known as Longyan Teachers’ College and was renamed as Longyan University in 2004 after merging with Fujian Resources Industrial School in 2001. It is Fujian’s exemplary application-oriented university, master's degree awarding cultivation university and provincial civilized campus. 学校位于福建省西部的龙岩市。龙岩市是全国著名革命老区、客家祖地、全国文明城市,有着丰富的旅游资源,世界文化遗产永定客家土楼享誉海内外。 The school itself is located in Longyan City, set in the beautifully scenic west of Fujian Province; a city well-known for being the cradle for China’s communist revolution and the original home of the Hakka people. With abundant tourism resources such as the famous UNESCO world cultural heritage Yongding Hakka Earth Buildings (Tulou), the city already has the world’s attention. 学校面向23个省(市、区)招收本科生,现有12个二级学院,教职工近1100人,全日制在校生1.3万余人,有44个本科专业,所设专业涵盖文学、理学、工学、经济学、管理学、教育学、农学、艺术学等八大学科门类。机械工程、材料科学与工程、兽医学、预防兽医学、民俗学、采矿工程等列入省级重点学科。兽医学、应用经济学、地质工程、材料科学与工程列入省级应用型学科。 Longyan University has over 13,000 students with a staff of nearly 1,100. There are 12 secondary colleges offering teaching of 44 majors which involve 8 fields of study, including literature, science, engineering, economics, management, education, agronomy, and arts. Majors like mechanical engineering, material science and engineering, veterinary medicine, mining engineering, and traditional folklore are listed among province’s key disciplines. Majors like veterinary medicine, practical economics, geological engineering, material science and engineering are listed among province’s applied disciplines. 学校规划教育用地面积1306.5亩,校舍建筑总面积约40.6万平方米;教学科研仪器设备总值达2.06亿元,图书馆馆藏电子图书近200万册、纸质图书近110多万册、纸质期刊约1500种,拥有现代化检索系统和镜像站点,是闽西最大的文献信息中心。 The school covers an area of about 215 acres, with campus infrastructure of around 100 acres. The total value of its teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment is 206 million RMB. Its library owns nearly 2 million electronic books, nearly 1.1 million books and nearly 1,500 kinds of newspapers and periodicals as well as several modernized retrieval systems and mirror sites, making it the largest document and information center in West Fujian. 学校秉承“厚于德、敏于学”的校训,坚持“根植红土、致力应用、彰显特色、服务发展”的办学理念,坚持立足龙岩、面向全省、辐射全国、服务区域发展,以培养“专业基础实、实践能力强、综合素质高”的应用型人才为主要目标,为地方经济建设和社会事业发展服务。 In the spirit of the school motto, Hou Yu De, Min Yu Xue (Great in virtue and keen on learning), and of its schooling concept of dedicating to application, highlighting features and serving development, Longyan University devotes itself to preparing students with the practical skills, solid professional knowledge, as well as a strong, high-quality, and well-rounded education so as to provide technological and intellectual support to the local economic and social development. 学校对外联合培养人才能力持续增强。与省内多所高水平大学联合培养硕士研究生,与多所境外高校合作开展双学位项目和选派交流生项目,与台湾多所高校开展“3+1”“4+0”闽台联合培养人才项目。学校招收留学生,培养了来自喀麦隆、蒙古国、柬埔寨和贝宁等国家的学生。 Longyan University has been enhancing its ability to make itself a joint talent incubator by providing students the opportunities to partake in collaborative programs with other high-level universities and institutions, and double degree programs and exchange programs with foreign universities. Additionally, there have been developments with collaborating on “3+1” and “4+0” projects with universities in Taiwan. Equal importance has been placed on the education of international students. There is a diverse student population including those from Cameroon, Mongolia, Cambodia and Benin.      (以上数据更新时间:2021年12月/The above data update time:Dec.,2021)                       目  录 Catalogue   一、招生类别/I. Admission Category 二、申请流程/II. Application Procedure 三、入学报到/III. Registration 四、住宿条件/IV. Accommodation Conditions 五、费用/V. Cost 六、奖学金/VI. Scholarship 七、联系方式/VII. Contact   一、招生类别/ I. Admission Category 1.学制:四年;/1. Length of schooling: four years; 2.招生专业:不限;/2. Admission Major:unlimited; 3.招生名额:不限;/3. Enrollment Quota:unlimited; 4.开学时间:2022年9月(视情况可延期到10月);/4. School Beginning Date: September,2022(Extension to October as appropriate); 5.报名截止时间:2022年7月1日;/5. Deadline for Application: July 1, 2022;  6.申请条件:年龄18~35岁,具有高中毕业文化程度或同等学历证明,品行端正、无犯罪纪录、身体健康,承诺遵守中国相关法律法规和学校规章制度的外籍人士;汉语水平达到HSK4及以上。/6. Application Requirements: foreigners aged between 18 and 35, with a high school diploma or equivalent, good conduct, no criminal record, good health, and a commitment to abide by relevant laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of Longyan University; with Chinese proficiency HSK4 and above. 7.授课语言:中文;/7. Teaching Language: Chinese; 8.学位和文凭:达到专业要求,并且通过论文答辩,按规定授予相应学位和毕业证书。/8. Degree and Diploma: those who have met the major requirements, and passed the thesis defense will be awarded with corresponding degree and diploma according to the relevant provisions.   二、申请流程/II. Application Procedure 1.向龙岩学院对外合作处(简称“对外处”)外事科提交如下申请材料:/1.Submit the following application materials to the Foreign Teachers and Students Division of Office of International Cooperation and Exchange (hereinafter referred to as OICE): (1)龙岩学院留学生入学申请表;/(1)Application Form; (2)外国人体格检查记录表或健康证(6个月内检查记录);/(2)Physical Examination Record (within 6 months); (3)有效护照首页(有效期1年以上,已在中国的留学生还需提交签证页和居留许可页);/(3) First page of valid passport (valid for more than 1 year, visa page and residence permit page are required for overseas students who have already been in China); (4)最高学历证书和成绩单(需经公证);/ (4) Highest academic certificate and transcript (notarized); (5)推荐表(可提交多份,至少提交一份);/ (5) Recommendation Form (at least one, multiple recommendations can be submitted); (6)学习计划;/(6) Study Plan; (7)HSK证书;/(7) HSK Certificate; (8)转学证明(已在中国的留学生需提交);/ (8) Transfer Certificate (required for international students already in China); (9)无犯罪记录证明(国、内外经历均需提供,国外经历需经公证);/(9) Certificate of no criminal record (both experience in either China or foreign countries shall be provided, and foreign experience shall be notarized); (10)经济担保书及存款证明(2万元人民币)。/  (10) Financial Support Guarantee and Deposit Certificate (RMB 20,000).   以上材料均需提交原件扫描件(pdf格式),且各类证明必须是中文或英文(小语种需翻译成中文或英文,盖正式翻译章)。所有申请材料扫描后压缩打包后通过邮件发送至邮箱[email protected],所有申请材料用一个邮件发送(邮件主题格式:国籍+护照姓名+中文名)。 All the above materials shall be submitted with original scanned copies (PDF format), and all certificates must be in Chinese or English (other languages need to be translated into Chinese or English, with official translation seal). All application materials are scanned and zipped up and sent to [email protected]. All application materials are sent by one email (format of the email subject: nationality + passport name + Chinese name). 2.支付报名费。申请者提交完整的申请材料后,通过汇款向龙岩学院支付报名费400元,报名费不予退还。(龙岩学院账户信息:户名:龙岩学院;开户行:农行龙岩新罗支行营业部;行号:103405071017;账号:13-710101040004902)/2. Pay the registration fee. After the applicant submits the complete application materials, the application fee of 400 yuan shall be paid to Longyan University and the application fee will not be refunded. (Account information of Longyan University: Account Name: 龙岩学院; Bank: 农行龙岩新罗支行营业部; Bank No.: 103405071017; Account No.: 13-710101040004902) 3.学校组织考试或面试。/3.Longyan University organizes examinations or interviews. 4.经上级部门审批同意,我校向被录取者发出《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)和录取通知书。/4. With the approval of the supervising bureaus, we will issue JW202 Form and the admission notice to the admitted applicants. 5.被录取者持普通护照、录取通知书、JW202表以及签证所需的其它材料前往中国驻留学生所在国使领馆办理来华学习签证。/5. The admitted applicants go to Chinese embassy or consulate to apply for the study visa with the passport, the admission notice, JW202 Form and other materials required for the visa. 三、入学报到/III.Registration 被录取者应持以上材料(原件)在录取通知书规定日期内到校报到、交费、注册。因特殊情况未能在规定日期之内报到者,应事先以书面的形式向学校请假,获准后方可延期入学。新生入学后必须遵守龙岩学院各项规章制度。为了便于新生入学,学校将在指定日期内在龙岩火车站接站,请至少提前七天将抵达日期告知对外处外事科。 Admitted Applicants shall arrive Longyan University, pay fees and register with the above materials (original copies) within the date specified in the admission notice. In case of failure to arrive the school within the specified date due to special circumstances, the applicants shall ask for leave from the University in written notice in advance, and the registration can be postponed only after the approval. The freshmen must abide by the rules and regulations of Longyan University. In order to facilitate the registration of new students, the school will pick up at Longyan railway station on the designated dates. Please inform Foreign Teachers and Students Division of OICE with your arrival date at least seven days in advance. 四、住宿条件/ IV. Accommodation Conditions 留学生公寓的房间类型以四人间为主、有部分双人间,房间内配备空调、家具、洗衣机、热水器等。 There are some twin rooms and four-bed rooms for international students,with air conditioner, furniture, washing machine, water heater , etc.   五、费用(人民币:元)/ V. Cost (in RMB) 六、奖学金/ VI. Scholarship 类别 Category 额度 Amount 名额Quota 备注Note 福建省政府外国留学生奖学金Fujian Government Scholarship 3万元/学年30,000 RMB per academic year 评审得分排名前25%Evaluation Scores ranking top 25%   龙岩学院来华留学生奖学金Longyan University Scholarship for International Students 全额奖:学费和住宿费Full Scholarship: tuition and accommodation fees 评审得分排名26%-50%Evaluation Scores ranking between 26% to 50%   部分奖:学费和住宿费的50%Partial Scholarship:50% of tuition and accommodation fees 评审得分排名51%-80%Evaluation Scores ranking between 51% to 80% 注:奖学金每年评选一次,未获得入学奖学金的学生在学习满一学年后亦可提出申请上述两种奖学金。 Note: Scholarship is evaluated once a year,students who do not receive admission scholarship can apply for both scholarships after one academic year of study. 七、联系方式/VII. Contact 龙岩学院对外处外事科/Foreign Teachers and Students Division, OICE, Longyan University  邮编/Zip Code:364012 电话/Tel.: +86-597-2796023 Email:[email protected] 网址/Website:   附件:/Attachment: 1.龙岩学院招收和培养外国留学生专业信息列表/1. List of Majors for International Students 2.龙岩学院外国留学生入学申请表/2. Application Form For International Student Of Longyan University 3.外国人体格检查记录表/3.Physical Examination Record for Foreigner 4.龙岩学院留学生推荐表/4. Recommendation Form for International Applicants 5.龙岩学院留学生学习计划书/5.Study Plan 6.龙岩学院外国留学生经济担保书/6. Financial Support Guarantee Statement 7.龙岩学院留学生奖学金申请表/7. Application Form for Scholarship of Longyan University
